helicopter training pilot courses logo 01242 252143


These rates are per hour flown excluding VAT


R22 - £425

Pre-paid block 10 hours £415

Pre-paid block 45 hours £405

R44 - £620

Pre-paid block 10 hours £610

Pre-paid block 45 hours £600

Type Rating Conversions:

R22 and R44 prices as above

Landing/circuit fees at Gloucester airport are INCLUDED in all training rates towards initial licence issue.
However, self fly hire and dual training post initial licence issue include circuit and landing fees eg revalidation/ renewal/ continuation training.

Self Fly Hire

R22 - £340

Pre-paid block 10 hours £330

R44 - £540

Pre-paid block 10 hours £530

Landing fees Circuit fees

R22 - £15

R22 - £10

R44 - £25

R44 - £10

General Fees:

Own Aircraft:

PC £250.00

All training £150

Type Skills Test £250

PC £250

PPL (H) LST £400

Type Skills Test £300

Written Tests £30 (+CAA fee)

Skill test £400

* Note- Dual flight time is charged engine on to engine off. Tests on school aircraft are charged at dual rate.

Self fly hire is charged on datcon. R44 SFH incurs a 0.1 fuel surcharge on the overall datcon for the day. Minimum datcon time for self hire is 0.5

Do these courses interest you to help you qualify for a helicopter licence? If so please ring me now on 07900 680859 or please click on the learn more learn more button. Either way I'll happy to answer any questions which you might have.
Prices correct as at January 22 2025 - though prices are subject to change without notice.